Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can Sports Supplements Really Make A Difference?

The topic of sports supplements can be a little confusing for many people.
Since protein is a building block for muscle growth it's no surprise that many products focus on amino acids. Many people prefer to use amino acids alone rather than in a supplement for a variety of reasons. Because it is naturally occurring within your body L-Glutamine is a popular amino acid supplement as well as being a safe one. One of the things L-Glutamine is responsible for is replacing growth hormone levels. Another beneficial amino acid you can take as a supplement is L-Carnitine, which helps the body convert fat into energy. It's also good for maintaining heart health. These and other amino acids are important nutrients you can take as sports supplements. Whey protein is made from milk, but its low in fat and carbohydrates, which makes it ideal for bodybuilders and other athletes who want to build muscle but stay lean. 
Energy drinks are very popular nowadays, and only some of them can really be considered sports supplements. No matter what else is put into them, most energy drinks are too high in sugar to be good for you. Water by itself would be far superior. You can find energy drinks that have quality ingredients and no added sugar or high fructose corn syrup. You don't want to overdo caffeine either, but in limited doses it can help endurance, and this is in many energy drinks. Since your blood sugar can be effected by added sugar, it's best to choose energy drinks without any, and also look for ones without artificial ingredients.
So you have lots of sports supplements to choose from, but only some of them will be right for you. It's best to look beyond the ads or company websites of any products you're thinking about buying and make sure you're familiar with all the ingredients. No matter how good a particular supplement may sound on paper or on a website, the only thing that really matters is the actual effect is has when you take it.

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